Donchery, Flize

À Donchery

A - The ‘Domaine du Château du Faucon’

Sleep and sense.

This outstanding property lies in a park of 28 hectares, in a setting that combines charm and well-being

Learn more


Domaine du Château du FauconRoute de Vrigne aux Bois - Rue de l'atelier
08350 Donchery
Tel : 0033(0)3 24 41 87 83
Web :

À Donchery

B - Walking

The ‘Croix Piot’ circuit

This circuit criss-crosses the hillside, offering hikers panoramic views over the Meuse and Bar valleys.


Practical details

Distance: 10 km

Waymarking: white-yellow

Difficulty: average

Time: 3 h

Start: from Moscou farm, 800 m to the south of the D 764

See the route of the walk

To go further afield

Topo guide, Les Ardennes à pied (The Ardennes on foot), published by the French Hiking Federation. Walk No 26.

Walking card available from the Office de Tourisme du Sedan (Sedan Tourist Office), (08200 Sedan)