Farmers' golf course in Stoumont, to amaze the whole family

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Nathalie Diot

Member for 5 years 6 months

Alone or with my family

Simplicity is the key

Curious by nature, we couldn't resist this new experience in the great outdoors. 

joy, wellbeing and farmers' golf in Stoumont

Monville Farm reveals a side to golf that you never knew existed! In the middle of fields, surrounded by grazing cows!

5 mins OF ESCAPE

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A game of golf surrounded by farm animals. That's the interesting invitation extended by Monville farm at Stoumont! Curious by nature, we couldn't resist this new experience in the great outdoors. A few key words, like farm, animals and ball, were all it took to get the children interested. So with Gabriel, aged 7, and Samuel, who's 4, we're to meet 6-year-old Louis and his gran at the agro-golf course at Monville farm, in Stoumont. We're in love with the place before we even get out of the car. Wow, what beautiful scenery! From an elevation of 360 metres, we look down on the Amblève valley with its prairies, woodlands and villages. We're greeted by dozens of horses, donkeys and sheep and, in the vast reception area, the beaming smile of Germaine Monville. Visitors are usually welcomed by her daughter, Marie, but farmers' golf is a side activity here. So make sure you book ahead; the golf course is open all year round, but by reservation only.

The exoticism of a Dutch game

Germaine is used to welcoming large groups (the golf course accommodates up to 80 people) and she soon captures the children's interest by showing them the equipment they'll need: two golf balls in fluorescent yellow and orange that can be spotted easily, and two clubs which are very different from the ones seen on a traditional or mini golf course. They look like horse's hooves and we're told to strike with the side, not the tip of the club. "In Holland, they even use clubs shaped like Dutch clogs."

Golf in the company of sheep

Each team appoints a captain who is to keep the score and ensure everyone follows the rules. The only rule that's really important is to ensure you're a safe distance from other people before you hit the ball. The club not only looks like a horse's hoof, it can be just as painful too! We're off. Each team is armed with golf balls and clubs. Louis is with Nathalie and Samuel while Annie teams up with Gabriel. We approach the first green where horses and donkeys appear indifferent to our presence. So how are going to do this? There are sheep all round the hole we have to aim at. Careful, it's 3 penalty points for hitting an animal.



Change of habit


This is a real change from a normal round of golf: the course and the rules are completely different. The player who does least well at the first hole goes first on the next one, and the winner is the one with the least hits of the ball and therefore the fewest points. "If it's too difficult for the little ones, they can kick the ball instead", Germaine reminds us. Before leaving us to get on with the game, she checks we have everything we need: a map of the course, the list of rules, a score table and a pen... they're all in the "farde". In the what? Our French family have never heard that word, which makes Germaine laugh! "It's a folder" explains Annie, who has studied Belgian-French with her grandson who lives in Liège.

A course that adapts easily

Hey, the sheep have moved. They must have known what was coming! First shots, first fits of laughter. Mind the slope! The boys soon start taking the game seriously, and so does Annie. She's very good! She's just been nicknamed Supergran by the golfing party. Impressed, Louis changes sides to team up with his gran. After playing the first hole, we pick up the ball and follow the indications, over a small obstacle and into the next field. The children are still motivated and cheerful Samuel's little legs manage to keep up. 1.7 km may not seem much of a distance, but there are twelve holes on this course which constantly has us zig-zagging uphill and downhill. No problem. If it gets too tiring, there are plenty of short cuts.

Snacking with the cows 


How convenient! Three holes later, our ball goes off-course and lands on the other side of the fence. The rules say that the ball must return to the course via the same route. We're very close to hole no. 6. We've walked down to a beautiful tree that makes a perfect place for a break. Annie has brought a snack fit for a king and this is the ideal spot to feed our little monsters. Under the shade of the tree, we enjoy the tranquillity and the scenery. It's so relaxing. Oh look, we have company. A walker is crossing the meadow to join his trail. A few tens of metres away, a herd of cows are watching us from the corner of their eye. Hole 5 is right next to them! Come on, let's do it, at least it'll make a good photo!

5 hectares of total freedom... 

It's a beautiful afternoon. The sun is shining and we don't need our boots, as long as we watch our step. We really are playing in the middle of pastureland and the animals are perfectly comfortable with our presence. The round can be completed in two hours, but the surroundings are an invitation to relax and let go, so we gradually abandon the idea of playing the game properly. The children are enjoying their total freedom in these wide open spaces, running and jumping about and even singing!


... and total serenity

We're drifting wherever the ball takes us, on an ocean of green. It's a wonderful feeling of wellbeing in this peaceful environment where the children's laughter is the only sound echoing in the valley. We breathe deeply to our lungs' content. Without hurrying, we return to the farm where Germaine welcomes us with a fruit juice. The boys have fun on the trampoline while Annie and I enjoy the scenery and the chance to rest. "That was great!" says Louis. We all agree and vow to come back.

Try this experience!
Golf champêtre à la Ferme Monville
Village 71, 4987 Stoumont, Belgium
+32 497 15 10 82


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