À Breuvanne
A - Breuvanne - brewery Millevertus Voir sur la carte

Rigour and a taste for risk have always been the guiding principles for Daniel Lessire. The former trader took up the slightly crazy challenge of creating his own business. To do this, he did not hesitate to ask the advice of Eddy Pourtois, his friend and brewer of the Sainte-Hélène beer. He helped him make his first beer, a master stroke. “I wanted a festive beer festive, not too alcoholic, but with taste!” This pragmatic brewer creates beers at the request of the customer, such as the one brewed exclusively for the Portuguese community in Luxembourg. The brewery has been established on the Millevertus estate in Breuvanne since 2011, and the quality of the beers has improved constantly thanks, among other things, to the recruitment of a agronomist, Jérémie Plainchamp, who brings in rigour and analysis. He creates unique, daring flavours, such as Amarante with black peppers or Safranaise. These beers are the result of a combination of passion and creativity. This quest for excellence will continue to guide the MilleVertus brewery for many years to come.