Ste Cécile, Chassepierre, Florenville (Ste Cécile, Chassepierre, Florenville )
À Chassepierre
A - Canoeing & kayaking: practical information

Landing and boarding:
Voir sur la carte
Village of Chassepierre
- Area called « Mez de la Roche » (meadow in front of campsite « les Cabrettes »
Voir sur la carte
Village of Sainte Cécile
- Area called « Conroy » (at the campsite of Sainte Cécile)
À Sainte-Cécile
B - Walking
The Muno RAVeL
Breathe in the smell of hay and wild flowers borne along by a warm breeze as you cycle along this lovely green path between Sainte-Cécile and Muno, a remote village at the gates of France.
The more daring among you may want to continue along the waymarked route towards Jamoigne, enjoying the narrow roads of Gaume, passing through Chassepierre, Florenville and Moyen.
Practical details
Distance: 8 km
Difficulty: easy
Time: 1 hr
Start: the RAVel starts in Sainte-Cécile, on the other side of the N 83.
À Chassepierre
C - Walking
The Daviha tour along the Semois
Imagine a charming village bordered by peacefully flowing river. Welcome to Chassepierre!
The Daviha tour walk explores the area around the village. From Chassepierre, this route crosses a pretty bridge over the Semois. Here, you will not meet any traffic. It’s as if time stands still: so don’t hesitate to stop at one of the many picnic benches dotted along the walk and delve into your bag of cheese and sausage. Take your time: coming to Chassepierre is a chance to recharge your batteries. Every year, this village of artists hosts a street festival that is unique in Europe.
Practical details
Distance: 5 km
Waymarking: yellow diamond
Difficulty: easy
Time: 2 hr
Start: just after the centre of the village, towards Sainte-Cécile, cross the Semois bridge.
Did you know?
At the base of the church, a footbridge leads you to the Fairies’ Cave (Trou des Fées), the entrance to an underground landmark that is said to lead to Carignan in Meuse.
À Chassepierre
D - Tourist information site
Section locale du SI de Florenville
rue du Breux, 3 - 6824 Chassepierre
Tél. : +32 (0)61/31.24.74
À Muno
E - Tourist information
Syndicat d'initiative de Muno
rue de l'Enfer,1 - 6820 Muno
+32 (0)61/32.00.19
Open every day in July and August from 2pm to 5pm
the rest of the year, open by appointment only