Herbeumont, Florenville, Chiny
À Herbeumont
A - The ruins of Herbeumont castel Voir sur la carte

The quiet village of Herbeumont lies in the shadow cast by the ruins of a once powerful fortress: the imprint of its tumultuous past can still be felt. This superb region will prompt you to look out your thick boots!
Did you know?
In the 16th century, fortified castles had to be completely redesigned due to the advent of artillery. The fortress of Herbeumont was no exception. The ramparts were adapted to hold cannons and new towers were erected, but they proved no more than paper tigers. The artillery sent by Louis XIV soon got the better of the walls, no matter how powerful they were. The destiny of Herbeumont, like that of many other fortified castles, was sealed before its time. This period also witnessed the end of the feudal system. Henceforth, the towns took over. The law of the middle classes and the traders now held sway. Humanity was entering a new age…
À Herbeumont
B - Walking Voir sur la carte

The Antrogne
The vast surrounding forest is home to natural treasures: superb beech trees and a fairy-tale stream, the Antrogne.
Practical details
Distance: 9 km
Waymarking: blue triangle
Difficulty: average
Time: 3 hr
Start: from the square in the centre of the village, follow the main road.
Tip Voir sur la carte
A lovely picnic area awaits you at the Antrogne stream.
À Herbeumont
C - Meet and savour Voir sur la carte

‘Au Randonneur’
It’s wonderful to warm up after an autumn walk by the wood fire in the local bistro, ‘Au Randonneur’! Brigitte and Georges serve regional produce. Some evenings, the bistro hosts private concerts or poetry readings for its guests. Because… you have to earn the Bistrot de Terroir! To obtain this label, the establishment has to fulfil a number of criteria, ranging from the welcome it offers to the tourist information provided and, of course, the quality of the local produce served. So after an exhilarating walk, ‘Au Randonneur’ is just the place to spend time in a wonderfully friendly atmosphere, savouring the specialities of the region. Don’t hesitate to question your hosts. True ambassadors of the region, they will be delighted to tell you about the local produce!
À Sainte-Cécile
D - Walking
The Muno RAVeL
Breathe in the smell of hay and wild flowers borne along by a warm breeze as you cycle along this lovely green path between Sainte-Cécile and Muno, a remote village at the gates of France.
The more daring among you may want to continue along the waymarked route towards Jamoigne, enjoying the narrow roads of Gaume, passing through Chassepierre, Florenville and Moyen.
Practical details
Distance: 8 km
Difficulty: easy
Time: 1 hr
Start: the RAVel starts in Sainte-Cécile, on the other side of the N 83.
À Chassepierre
E - Walking
The Daviha tour along the Semois
Imagine a charming village bordered by peacefully flowing river. Welcome to Chassepierre!
The Daviha tour walk explores the area around the village. From Chassepierre, this route crosses a pretty bridge over the Semois. Here, you will not meet any traffic. It’s as if time stands still: so don’t hesitate to stop at one of the many picnic benches dotted along the walk and delve into your bag of cheese and sausage. Take your time: coming to Chassepierre is a chance to recharge your batteries. Every year, this village of artists hosts a street festival that is unique in Europe.
Practical details
Distance: 5 km
Waymarking: yellow diamond
Difficulty: easy
Time: 2 hr
Start: just after the centre of the village, towards Sainte-Cécile, cross the Semois bridge.
Did you know?
At the base of the church, a footbridge leads you to the Fairies’ Cave (Trou des Fées), the entrance to an underground landmark that is said to lead to Carignan in Meuse.
À Florenville
F - Church of Our Lady of the Assumption Voir sur la carte

Its belvedere and its bell tower with 48 bells are accessible if you climb 220 steps! It’s worth the effort, because the view from up there is truly outstanding.
Guided visit for group on request (M. Hissette: +32 (0)61/31 35 89).
Esplanade du Panorama, 1
6820 Florenville
Tel : 0032(0) 61 31 12 29
Web : www.florenville.org
À Florenville
G - The landscape interpretation centre Voir sur la carte

The beauty spot, seen from the Tourist Office, is an extraordinary book opening up onto the Gaume Lorraine. It provides the keys to unlock the region’s secrets and all its riches.
About the landscape interpretation centre
Esplanade du Panorama, 1
6820 Florenville
Tel : 0032(0) 61 31 12 29
Web : www.cip-lorraine-gaumaise.com
H - A fund of legends
Multimedia library
À Florenville
I - Les Chocolats d’Edouard Voir sur la carte

With a prior booking, it is possible to visit the chocolate-maker’s workshop and even spend time in his company and help him with his work.
place Albert Ier, 36
6820 Florenville
Tel : 0032(0) 61 50 29 72-
Web : www.leschocolatsdedouard.be
À Orval
J - The Abbey Voir sur la carte

On the fringes of the Gaume, the warm limestone colour of the Cistercian Orval Abbey radiates an atmosphere of peace. The vicissitudes and shocks of history have not extinguished the flame that brings life to Orval, a haven of peace that remains distanced from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.
6823 Florenville
Tel : 0032(0) 61 31 10 60
Web : www.orval.be
The abbey Voir sur la carte
In 1070, exhausted travellers arrived in Orval: a long journey had brought them from southern Italy to this deep forest of northern Europe. The local lord, Arnould de Chiny, offered these monks part of his estate to build a monastery and a church. Curiously, the first monks left the site after 40 years, for unknown reasons. A small community of canons continued with the construction work. It was a huge task: they asked for help, and requested to join the Cîteaux order, which was expanding rapidly at the time. Dependent on the community of Bernard of Clairvaux, the monks completed the abbey in around the year 1200. For five centuries, the abbey led a discreet existence. The story could have come to a end in 1789 when the revolutionary troops destroyed the sumptuous abbey. A hundred and twenty-five years later, the ruins rose from their ashes when the Belgian government decided in 1913 to rebuild the site. The new monastic complex was inaugurated in 1948.
6823 Florenville
Tel : 0032(0) 61 31 10 60
Web : www.orval.be
Did you know?
In the 11th century, monks left Cluny Abbey and wanted to live apart from the world, in an isolated region: this was to be Cîteaux! The new order spread throughout Europe. Opposed to the luxury of the Cluniacs, the Cistercians adopted austerity and the rigour of a life devoted to prayer and manual labour. The Ardennes offered them untamed and remote land. “Trees and stones will teach you what you can never learn from masters…” (Saint Bernard).
À Chameleux
K - Meet and savour Voir sur la carte

‘Le Chameleux’
The local bistro, ‘Le Chameleux’, lies in a green setting at the heart of the vast Orval forest. Its recipes have been passed down through four generations. The speciality of the house is trout, an absolute delight. And then there’s the famous vinaigrette, enhanced by the personal touch of the chef, who also holds the coveted Ambassadeur d’Orval label! Because every year, the Ambassadeur d’Orval is awarded by the famous abbey to the cafés and restaurants that best meet the criteria of Presence, Service and Creativity. Lying opposite a lake and the ruins of an old Gallo-Roman staging post on the Reims-Trèves road, built in 45 BC under the reign of the Emperor Claudius, ‘Le Chameleux’ has a spacious, peaceful, sunny terrace. It is also the starting point for several forest walks, as well as a short after-dinner stroll to the tiny, picturesque French village of Williers, perched on a spur barred by a wall, no doubt built in Celtic or Roman times. This village, with its single, widening street, is well worth a visit.
Rue Fond Sainte-Anne 20/21
6940 Durbuy
Tel : 0033(0)86322119-
Web : http://www.ardennes-online.com
Walking Voir sur la carte
From the ‘bistrot de terroir’, enjoy an amazing walk in the great Gaume forest. Why not continue as far as Orval Abbey on foot, approaching this great church from a different angle.
Practical details
Distance: 11.5 km
Waymarking: blue diamond
Difficulty: average
Time: 3 hrs
Start: in the hamlet of Chameleux, start at the Gallo-Roman camp.
À Chiny
L - The ‘Roche du Corbeau’ Voir sur la carte

Walking. The ‘Roche du Corbeau’ or crow’s rock
Chiny is a truly delightful stage! This is one of the loveliest stretches of the Semois.
The ‘Roche du Corbeau’ walk is just the thing for a great day out with children. From the stone bridge, the path follows the Semois to the footbridge from where kayaks and small boats leave. Here you can stop to eat and drink before making your way back to the bridge, where a fine bathing area awaits you.
Practical details
Distance: 4 km
Waymarking: blue triangle
Difficulty: easy
Time: 2 hrs
Start: reach the banks of the Semois from the bridge across the river.
À Chiny
M - Meet and savour Voir sur la carte

Le Moulin Cambier
Friendliness tastes delightful in Chiny! Breathe, taste, savour... the lovely little regional dishes at the Moulin Cambier, with the ‘Bistrot de Terroir’ label. After this deliciously friendly moment, be captivated by the region and its lovely walks.