Daverdisse, Porcheresse
À Porcheresse
A - The clog museum Voir sur la carte

The clog museum evokes social history. Apart from the more affluent people of the region, in the Ardennes they wore clogs on their feet. In the 19th century, almost 70 % of the men in Porcheresse were clog-makers.
Opening Hours
Open all year from 10am. to 18pm. after reservation: +32 (0) 61/50 33 70 or SI Daverdisse: +32 (0) 84/31 59 92.
Guided tours for all. Reduced prices for groups (10 pers.)
Possibility to combine clog museum and water pump from the 19th century in Porcheresse (suppl. 50%).
Did you know? Voir sur la carte
Life was not always just glory and adventure for Napoleon’s Great Army. Many men deserted, fleeing into the vast Ardennes forest. They owed it their freedom, but were unable to return to France. These soldiers hid and lived in the woods, emerging from the shadows later on. To survive in their new lives, they became clog-makers in Porcheresse and the surrounding villages. Legend or rumour? You will find out more when you visit…
À Daverdisse
B - Walking Voir sur la carte

A forest RAVeL
The RAVeL through the forest of Daverdisse is a pure delight. You can go for miles without coming across a road. This is one of the least known but also one of the most untamed green tracks. The path follows the torrent and plunges into the vast forest. A route that children will adore.
Take the RAVeL at the hotel ‘Le Moulin de Daverdisse’ on the N 857. Downstream, the walk is less interesting because it follows the road. The route takes you as far as Porcheresse. Eight kilometres of joy.
À Daverdisse
C - Reception and tourist information site Voir sur la carte
Syndicat d'Initiative de Daverdisse
Allée des Marronniers, 1 - 6929 Daverdisse
+32 (0) 84/31.59.92
Open :
from 9am to 4.30pm every day during school holydays
low season : from tuesday to saturday