Lavaux-Sainte-Anne (The castle )

À Lavaux Sainte-Anne

A - The castle

This is one of the finest plain castles in Wallonia. Two architectural styles, a priori antagonistic to one another, are combined here with truly unexpected elegance. The medieval fortress, stone-built and sturdy, became a charming chateau in the Renaissance style during the 17th century. Moats, round towers and arrow slits mix harmoniously with the domed roofs, string courses and pilasters of the Renaissance. Now a museum, it immerses visitors in the era of the lords and rural activities that governed daily life in this region of Famenne.

The castle houses three museums:

• The old trades and daily lives of the people of Lavaux in the 19th and early 20th centuries

• A depiction of lordly life in the 17th and 18th centuries: or how the lords of Lavaux lived and received guests in their luxurious residence at the time

• The museum of Nature and Agricultural Life: through the seasons, nature unfolds her charms, both in the forest and in the surrounding countryside.

5580 Rochefort
Tel : 0032(0) 84 38 83 62
Web :


Outside, a lovely educational route reveals the natural environment of humid zones. 


The walk around the castle

Practical details
Distance: 5 km
Waymarking: follow the directions on the walking card
Difficulty: easy
Time: approximately 1.30 h
Start: From the castle car park.

A card giving details of the walk is also available in the brochure entitled ‘Roadbook, walks to explore villages of character: Rochefort, Marche-en-Famenne, Nassogne’.

> Free brochure from the tourist offices in the sector.