À Purnode
A - The Bocq brewery Voir sur la carte

In days gone by, the Bocq river made the forge masters rich. In Yvoir and along the river, fine residences bear witness to this past wealth. This river, characterised by its purity, still wins acclaim for the region with the Bocq brewery (founded in the village of Purnode in 1858) which remains one of the only family breweries in Belgium. Today it is run by the sixth generation. The brewery mainly produces the 'Gauloise', 'Blanche de Namur', 'Saint-Benoît', 'Blanche de Noël' and 'Triple Moine' beers.
Rue de la Brasserie,4
5530 Yvoir
Tel : 0032(0) 82 61 07 90
Web : http://www.bocq.be