À Revin
A - Information and services for cyclists
Hire points:
CARAVEL Voir sur la carte

Relais accueil VTT
Quai Edgar Quinet
Tel. : 03 24 22 14 80 – 06 83 13 35 18
Cycle hire: wide range of bicycles, tandems, mountain bikes and trailers (individuals and groups).
Revin railway station / train + bicycle formula Voir sur la carte
You have to go through the town centre and cross Bouverie bridge to reach the railway station, which is about 800 metres from the green path.
À Revin
C - The city of iron

Lying at the heart of the valley of iron and the forest, the city of Revin is skirted by two bends of the river: a superb location. The city is inextricably linked to the metallurgy industry which has left its mark on the landscape. It linked its destiny to great captains of industry, such as Arthur Martin who, in 1884, started manufacturing his first cookers. When Rimbaud stopped there before going to Belgium, he was astounded to see haggard men, women and children, exhausted after their heavy labour in the depths of the foundries.
'You will close your eyes, so as not to see, through the glass,
The evening shadows pulling faces.
Those snarling monsters, a population
Of black devils and black wolves.'
Extract – Poem by Arthur Rimbaud “Rêvé pour l'hiver” (A Dream for Winter) (7 October 1870).
Revin is home to countless legends. The tourist office has produced a very fine brochure containing the Gestes and myths that are never very far away in Revin.
À Revin
D - The spanish house Voir sur la carte

Industrial on one side, Revin becomes gentler once you cross the bridge that leads to the town centre. Along the banks of the Meuse, an authentic district dating from the 16th and 18th centuries is concealed from view. The finest of the buildings, the wooden-walled Spanish House, recalls that the city, at the crossroads of invasions, was once under Iberian domination… This remarkable building has now become a museum of local heritage. The history of industry in Revin will never be forgotten…
Maison Espagnole2 Rue Victor Hugo
08500 Revin
Tel : 0033(0)3 24 41 55 73
Web :
À Revin
E - Mont Malgré-Tout Voir sur la carte
In Revin, the hill becomes a mountain. The summit can be reached by following a breathtakingly steep path, worthy of the Alps. This backbone, crushing Revin by its very power, is the story of the stubbornness of a certain Murquin who, despite all opposition, is said to have built his house on this path that makes your head spin…
LDid you know? Voir sur la carte
Georges Sand fell under the spell of the city and the site and took inspiration from Mont Malgré-Tout for one of her novels.
À Revin
F - Maurice Rocheteau Park and the Tamisière Voir sur la carte
Rocheteau Park recalls the memory of Maurice Rocheteau, former mayor of Revin, who acquired it in 1972 on behalf of the municipality. Initially known as the Tamisière, the property of the Faure family (a leading industrial family in the foundry sector) for about a hundred years, the “castle” now houses an art gallery, a tourist association and the municipal archives.
This municipal park is a lovely place to stroll around and discover a variety of species planted by the successive owners, including a ginkgo biloba or maidenhair tree.
À Revin
G - Reception and tourist information site
Office de Tourisme de Revin
65 quai Edgar Quinet
08500 Revin
tél. : +33 (0)3 24 42 92 42