À Stenay
A - Stenay - The European beer museum Voir sur la carte

In the old fortified town of Stenay stands a building 100 metres in length, like a vessel. This old malt factory has become Europe’s biggest beer museum. It tells the fabulous tale of beer, which is linked to the history of humanity. The museum explains the technical developments in the production of beer through the ages, with some lovely scenographies. Plus a number of anecdotes…
17 Rue du Moulin, 55700 Stenay
+33(0)3 29 80 68 78 -
Did you know?
It was written that the monks were to brew beer within their abbey… In the 5th century, wine was the blood of Christ… Barley beer, so dear to the Gauls, became an impure drink... The Germanic peoples, who loved beer, were at the door and invaded Christianised Gaul. The monk saw an opportunity to convert these Barbarians. They achieved their end: by blessing beer, at the same time they blessed this rebellious people, now won over to their cause. So henceforth, the monks would be brewers…