À Anhée
A - Walking Voir sur la carte

The Molignée valley, by bike, on foot or by draisine
A lovely RAVeL route links Anhée, on the edge of the Meuse, to Maredsous Abbey by bike. And here, one means of locomotion - the bicycle, follows another - the Molignée draisine or railbike, a flat-bottomed wagon which, like the bicycle, is propelled by the power of the calf muscles. It makes the most of this old railway line, the L150, which once carried stones from the limestone quarry. This new RAVeL is a green trench through the winding valley. It even passes beneath two tunnels.
The right plan
The Vachement Ferme shop, located in the heart of a family farm just a few metres from Maredsous Abbey, offers farm produce and a selection of local artisanal products with a wide choice of beers.
À Anhée
B - Reception and tourist information site Voir sur la carte
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