Chevetogne, Ciney, Celles, Foy-Notre-Dame
À Chevetogne
A - The Byzantine church and its monastery Voir sur la carte

This Benedictine monastery is open all year round. It is a lovely eastern church built in 1957, where Byzantine ceremonies are celebrated in an appropriate setting.
À Chevetogne
B - The Valéry Cousin provincial estate Voir sur la carte

In the hollow of beautiful green valleys nestles the Chevetogne provincial estate.
The estate has everything a family could wish for in one place, spread over an area of almost 550 hectares: places to enjoy with friends, footpaths through woods and gardens, sports grounds and marvellous playgrounds, all grandiose in keeping with the site. The park is designed to promote well-being.
The site welcomes lovers of nature and culture, fans of outdoor leisure activities, sports enthusiasts and, of course, children in search of space and make-believe. It also offers accommodation and hosts events such as the Nuit du Feu (Night of Fire) and the Festival des Cabanes, devoted to huts, caravans and other basic dwellings.
À Celles
C - Saint Hadelin’s Church Voir sur la carte

Built in the 11th century on the foundations of Hadelin’s hermitage, this church seems to come straight from the Middle Ages. And that’s not surprising: it was abandoned by the canons in around 1338 and forgotten, isolated in this Lesse valley. It nevertheless remains intact today – a true Romanesque gem!
À Vêves
D - The fairytale castle Voir sur la carte

Proud of its ideal proportions, Vêves Castle, which was founded by Pepin of Herstal in the 7th century, is one of the finest examples of a fortified castle. In its symmetrical towers and along parapet walk, you have the impression that you can still hear the clanking armour of the soldiers on watch. The Middle Ages are very present within these walls, with the lavish weapons room and the huge kitchen. Along the path leading to the entrance to Vêves, young and old alike can imagine that they are knights…
5561 Houyet
Tel : 0032(0) 82 66 63 95
Web :
Did you know?
The Liedekerke-Beaufort lineage reigned in Vêves for eight centuries, a length of time rarely found in history.
À Celles
E - One of the Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia
Celles was once a seignory dependent on the principality of Liège. Saint Hadelin’s church is one of the most beautiful examples of Mosan architecture. What a delight to walk between these limestone walls, decked with flowers. A long, hard road takes you to the hermitage, from where you can look down upon one of the 'Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia'.
5561 Houyet
Tel : 0032(0) 83 65 72 40
Web :
From Celles, it is possible to reach Vêves Castle on foot. A path follows the ridge before turning back down into the small valley at the foot of the fairytale castle.
Practical details
Distance: 7 km
Waymarking: red diamond
Difficulty: easy
Time: 2.30 h
Start: Celles church
To go further afield…
Rochefort and its villages' walking map.
À Foy Notre-Dame
F - The sanctuary Voir sur la carte

Standing on the slopes not far from Dinant, surrounded by a few houses of local stone, this church was built following the discovery by a woodcutter in 1609 of a statuette of the Virgin Mary in the hollow of a tree. The statue was venerated. The most remarkable element of the building is its famous coffered ceiling consisting of 145 panels with oil paintings depicting scenes from the life of Mary and portraits of the saints. This ceiling is the work of the Stilmant brothers of Dinant and the painter Guillaume Goblet. The area around the church is charming, with the small, adjoining cemetery, an inn, a chestnut tree and a lovely view.