À Haybes
A - Information and services for cyclists
Hire points:

Maison des Randonnées Voir sur la carte
Relais accueil VTT
50 rue Dromart
Tel. : 03 24 41 02 75
Location de VTT, VTC, tandems, remorques enfants.
Aventure Évasion Voir sur la carte
RN 51 - Tel. : 03 24 40 44 45
Location avec encadrement – Groupes et individuels – Sur reservation.
Arden’Gyropode Voir sur la carte
7 rue du 24 aout
Tel. : 06 82 22 76 59
Location de gyropodes
Certified accommodation:
The facilities available from these service providers include a secured bicycle shelter, an area equipped to clean bicycles, etc.
Hôtel-Restaurant « Le Saint-Hubert » Voir sur la carte
47 rue Andre Cunin
Tel. : 03 24 41 11 38
Hôtel-Restaurant « le Robinson » Voir sur la carte
75 rue Mme de Cormont
Tel. : 03 24 41 11 73
Gite de groupe « Le Clos Belle Rose » Voir sur la carte
9 place de la Charite
Tel. : 06 30 48 44 51
Gite – hébergement de groupe
Gite La Fuste Ardennaise Voir sur la carte
Route Madame de Cormont
08170 Haybes
Tél.: 03 24 41 87 80
Tél2.: 06 88 12 31 54
Email : muccilli.joseph@laposte.net
Site : www.chaletahaybesenardennes.sitew.fr/
CLIP de Moraypre Voir sur la carte
23 rue du 24 aout
Tel. : 03 24 41 26 78
Camping Municipal de Haybes
Rue du 24 Août
Tél : 03 24 41 11 36 ou 03 24 41 14 54
Site : www.haybes.fr
23 Rue du 24 août
08170 Haybes
Tel : 0033(0)3 24 41 14 54
Web : http://www.haybes.fr
Haybes-sur-Meuse railway station / train + bicycle formula Voir sur la carte
The railway station is opposite the stopping place on the river; simply cross the bridge from the green path to reach it.
À Haybes
B - Haybes-la-Jolie Voir sur la carte

Also known as ‘Haybes-la-Rose’ or ‘Haybes-la-Jolie’, Haybes is a delightful place. The roofs tinted with pink or blue and the charming square in front of the town hall, as well as the nearby forest…. an entire heritage, be it architectural or natural, contributes to the special nature and the beauty of this commune.
À Haybes
C - Walking Voir sur la carte

The slate and legends circuit
Fumay had 50 slate quarries: the mountain looked like a Gruyère cheese. Along the path of legends and slate, the charming Mohron stream cannot erase the memory of what this valley once was. The blue and violet mosaics created by the remains of sheets of slate sparkle at our feet: this starry path leads us to the heart of this story of slate extraction. Just after the schist bridge, a huge, narrow passageway on the bank of the Mohron forms a gaping hole. This is the entrance to a mine. As soon as you enter, the humidity and the cold go right through you. Approaching Haybes, La Platale beauty spot catches the eye. The slag heaps, loaded with black stones, are frozen like petrified monsters.
Just after the Moulin Labotte hotel and restaurant, the Fond d’Oury gallery lights up as you pass by.
Practical details
Distance: 6 km
Waymarking: red with logo
Difficulty: average
Duration: 2h
Start: From the Maison de la Randonnée in Haybes, follow the road that leads to the Moulin Labotte hotel and restaurant
To go further afield
Topo guide, The Ardennes on foot, published by the French Hiking Federation. Walk No 14
Did you know?
On 24 August 1914, the German army crossed Belgium, pushing through the Ardenne and wiping out every pocket of resistance. In Haybes, a massacre occurred: 52 civilians were shot and the martyred city was burnt. The ‘département’ endured four years of occupation.
À Haybes
D - Reception and tourist information site Voir sur la carte
Office de Tourisme Val d'Ardenne Tourisme
Place du Château
08320 Vireux Wallerand
Tél. : +33 (0)3 24 42 92 42