Connection - Laifour - Anchamps
À Laifour
A - Information and services for cyclists
Snack « au fil de l’eau » Voir sur la carte
Located on the green route, the lock of Deville.
À Laifour
B - Les Dames de Meuse à Laifour et Revin Voir sur la carte

The Meuse comes up against three huge rocks. It’s an amazing sight, providing a vision of another country. So it’s hardly surprising that few people went there: it was said that the devil held diabolic meetings there…
The legend Voir sur la carte
The year 1080 was a time of jubilation in Hierges. The three sons of the lord were marrying Hodierne, Berthe and Ige, the three loveliest daughters of the Count of Rethel. But the idyll was not to last: the first crusade carried the three brothers away to their fate as warriors. Love chases love away when absence persists. On the day when Godefroy de Bouillion and his loyal followers seized Jerusalem, the three sisters betrayed their love with three knights of Hierges. The lord, showing no mercy, changed the three adulteresses into rocks.
Tip Voir sur la carte
Les Dames de Meuse appear to best effect when following the superb green track from Revin or Monthermé. There they stand motionless, frozen for all eternity.
Walking Voir sur la carte
From Laifour, a path joins the majestic ridge and leads to the Dames de Meuse beauty spot.
Practical details
Distance: 14 km
Waymarking: yellow/red waymarking
Difficulty: middle
Duration: 4h
Start: From Laifour railway station, follow the road up. Cross the D1 and follow the signs to “Les Dames de Meuse”
To go further afield Voir sur la carte
Topo guide, The Ardennes on foot, published by the French Hiking Federation. Walk No 15
À Anchamps
D - Anchamps - Roland’s Stone Voir sur la carte

Pierre Roland or Roland’s Stone between Anchamps and Laifour is a pyramid-shaped blockon the left bank. It could be used as a landmark for boatmen. It also has its own legend.
As he passed through the Ardennes on his way to fight the Saxons further north, Roland, the devout Christian knight, nephew of Charlemagne, was caught in an ambush set by Satan.
The devil hurled a huge rock at Roland who was on a path along the Meuse between Laifour and Anchamps.
Roland, having seen the danger, drew his sword, Durandal, and split the rock in two!
One part fell into the Meuse and the other landed at his feet; and there it still lies today, on the bank of the Meuse, like a menhir...