Alle, Rochehaut, Frahan, Corbion
À Alle-sur-Semois
A - The «Récréalle » center Voir sur la carte

Lying on the banks of the Semois, the Récréalle centre offers a range of fun-filled and sports activities: kayaking down the Semois, bowling, mini-golf, bathing area, small train, children’s area, outdoor ice-rink in winter, sports room, snooker, video games, mountain bikes for hire. A brasserie-restaurant and a terrace with a panoramic view over the river complete these activities.
New: explore the Semois valley by Segway, an environmentally friendly means of getting away from it all that is original, quiet, easy to use and accessible from the age of 12.
Rue Léon Henrard,16
5550 Vresse-sur-semois
Tel : 0032(0) 61 50 03 81
Web :
À Rochehaut
B - A beauty spot brimming with fantasy Voir sur la carte

The site alone is well worth the detour. In the early 20th century, tourists came to Rochehaut to admire the beauty spot, as can be seen from a number of quaintly charming hotels. The Frahan countryside ranks among the loveliest sights in the Semois valley. Rochehaut is one of the valley’s most welcoming villages: shops selling local produce and friendly inns invite you to stop and enjoy yourself for a while.
À Rochehaut
C - The ‘Agri-Musée’, the animal park and the tourist train Voir sur la carte

The “Agri-Museum” offers to present and future generations a remarkable evocation of our eldests’ life through about twenty scenes that bring back to a recent past. This museum, which is very popular with little ones as well as grown-ups, is certainly worth a visit, as is the nearby animal parc “entre Ferme & Forêt”. There, you will find about forty species: farm animals, game and other more exotic and original breeds. In order to visit it, you will be comfortably seated in a little tourist train which gives the possibility to discover the surroundings of the village and the viewpoint on Frahan.
Length of the visit :
Agri-Museum : 1h15
Animal Park : 1h00
rue du Palis, 85 - 6830 ROCHEHAUT
Tél. : +32 61 86 03 66
À Rochehaut
D - Meet and savour – The local shop Voir sur la carte

By hearing over and over their costumers asking about the products that they had tasted in the “Auberge de la Ferme”, Michel and Patricia Boreux had the foresight to open an “Ardennes”shop. Under the same roof, they gathered the homemade productions and the ones from the specialists of the local terroir. Salted meat, jams, ready-to-serve dishes, cheese, liquors, beers, aperitifs, books, souvenirs,… too many choices to list them all. You just have to click on the following link: to discover everything about the hundreds of delicious local products that can be found in the authentic Ardenne.
À Frahan
E - Walking. The ridges of Frahan Voir sur la carte

This walk follows the ridge of Frahan, on the banks of the Semois. Here, you find yourself at the centre of a tableau: the village is without doubt one of the loveliest scenes in the valley. The path criss-crosses a beautiful forest, scattered with piles of rocks and stunted vegetation. Roots twist and coil among the rocks: mineral and vegetal combine along this vertiginous path. As you go up, you will discover rocks forming natural or artificial walls. This superb site may lie on a rocky spur, but an imposing fortress nevertheless had to be built there…
Make sure you are properly equipped! Hiking shoes are strongly recommended!
Practical details
Distance: 3.5 km
Waymarking: red diamond, walk No 88
Difficulty: average
Time: 2 h
Start: the walk follows the narrow path opposite Les Roches Fleuries hotel in Frahan. Return via the road alongside the barbeque on the edge of the Semois.
Did you know? Voir sur la carte
Work is said to have started on the construction of the fortified castle in Montragut well before the time of Godfrey, here where you are walking across these slippery stones. The inaccessibility of the spot and the difficulty of completing the construction got the better of this fortress, which died at birth. Nature cannot be challenged to that extent…
À Corbion
F - Semois tobacco and its museum Voir sur la carte

The cultivation of Semois tobacco reached its peak in the 1930s, when over 1,200 tonnes were produced, intended for pipes or rolling tobacco. During World War Two, the appearance of American light tobacco and the fashion for cigarettes dealt a serious blow to this flourishing local industry. In 1960 mildew, a devastating cryptogamic disease, sounded the death knell for Semois tobacco.
But in Corbion, Semois tobacco lives on. The museum and its friendly owners will take you on a journey into the land of tobacco and its origins far removed from the banks of the Semois.
Length of visit : 1hr
rue Tambour, 10
6838 Bouillon
Tel : +32(0) 61 46 81 29
Web :
À Corbion
G - Walking. The path of panoramic views Voir sur la carte

Unlike Poupehan or Bouillon, Corbion lies at the summit of a hill, from where several beautiful panoramas can be seen.
Practical details
Distance: 7 km
Waymarking: red diamond, walk No 37
Difficulty: average
Time: 2.30 h
Start: the route starts at the entrance to the village, opposite the cemetery, indicated by wooden arrows.
À Rochehaut
H - Reception and tourist information site
Syndicat d'initiative de Rochehaut-Frahan-Laviot
rue du Palis, 26 - 6830 Rochehaut
+32 (0)477/48.56.52
À Corbion
I - Reception and tourist information site
Section locale du RSI de Bouillon
ruelle Lolette, 13 - 6838 Corbion
+32 (0)61/25.01.00