
Jonas Mossiat
Son of the Meuse
Food & lifestyle

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Jonas Mossiat

Member for 6 years 6 months

It was by following water that I learned to observe the Ardennes. Perhaps it was the meandering valleys of the Meuse at Dinant that instilled in me a desire to be always moving, always setting off to explore the unknown, be it landscapes or people. Whatever happens, I can never resist travelling upstream to return to my favourite region, the Ardennes, whose legendary conviviality and welcome is of equal intensity as the beauty of its countryside.

My experiences

"Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are!" While most of my experiences are about aspects of the natural world, conviviality, the culinary arts and local traditions are never far away. I love discovering destinations through their food… and through my stomach! Gastronomy can often tell us a lot about the culture, history and daily life of a region.

I tested a co-working space in the Ardennes

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Gare !

my special favourites


As the Ardennes would be nothing without its inhabitants, we must render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s: we are the most courageous! Shaped by the blows of our harsh winters and our more pleasant summers, our characters are infused with a natural benevolence, which sometimes makes us appear genial and cheerful. So, if by chance your footsteps take you to the Ardennes, head for the sound of clinking glasses and resounding laughter, because it’s much more fun to discover the Ardennes through the people who live there!

my pictures of the Ardennes

Campagne au Penant
Les boulets, homemade, tradition ardennaise!
Balade dans la forêt de Wibrin
Paddle sur le lac de Nisramont
Les ruines de Poilvache, dans la vallée de la Molignée
Tarte à la rhubarbe, un inévitable!
La tranquilité de l'Ardenne
Balade dans les alentours de DInant

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