Gallery in Hotton Caves

Hotton Caves

Hotton caves

Maryève Quinet

Welcome to one of the geo-sites of the Famenne-Ardenne Geo-Park, a Walloon Exceptional Heritage Site. On the surface is the open-access Calestienne garden. Panels explain the biodiversity and particularities of limestone grassland, that are ideal for growing plants from the South.


Maryève Quinet and Bénédicte Verbeck, education officer at the Hotton caves

Underground, visitors descend some 580 steps during a one-hour guided tour, during which they experience the rich variety of natural minerals, the force of the river and the fragility of the accretions. The water circuit is explained: whatever we throw away on the surface will find its way underground. This awareness-raising works particularly well as part of school ecology trips. In addition to the educational programme, Maryève Quinet offers some fun activities for children, including a secure speleological trail, treasure hunts and other games where children can “create with nature”. All these activities remain respectful of the site because that is the guiding principle here, with an emphasis on organic and zero-waste.

Hotton Caves
1, Chemin du Spéléo Club de Belgique, 6990 HOTTON
Province of Luxembourg, Belgium
Tel: +32 84 46 60 46
Natura 2000 - Underground cave of scientific interest

Whatever we throw away on the surface will find its way underground. This awareness-raising works particularly well as part of school ecology trips.

Introduction to the Hotton caves, gallery of the Belgian Caving Club, the largest in Belgium
Birthday trip to explore the wild cave.
Gours (small natural basins) in the Hotton caves

Maryève recommends: La Ferme du Bel’Ozo

At Bel’Ozo Farm, Véronique and Etienne Rouxhet process the milk from their cows to make butter, drinking yogurt, spooning yogurt, ice cream and, above all, a multitude of different cheeses with attractive names, including fresh cheese, wrapped cheese and plain cheese, such as Le Bel’lant, a fresh cow’s milk cheese with goat rennet (similar to Chaource). Then there are soft cheeses, plain or with fenugreek or with Oster beer, and Le Bel’de jour (similar to Camembert). For real cheese fans there is a blue-veined cheese called Bel’Zébuth. Then there is a veritable swarm of plain pressed-curd cheeses, with garlic and herbs, with pepper, with onions, and finally Le Bel’âtre, a hard cheese with a strong flavour.

All these products are on sale at the farm, at local shops and also through the Li Terroir co-operative’s website, where orders can be placed and collected from its distribution points or the Li Terroir farmers’ market at Melreux.


La Ferme du Bel’Ozo
14, Rue Ozo, 6941 DURBUY
Tel: +32 494 49 80 26

The team at La Ferme du Bel'Ozo
Cheese at La Ferme du Bel'Ozo
Bel'zebuth cheese at La Ferme du Bel'Ozo
